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Standard 3 Learning Environment

The teacher works with others to create environments that is support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self motivation.


A teacher builds a community within their classroom that fosters a safe, respectful and positive learning environment that will support the individual student as well as the entire class. By implementing lessons that have been modified to the students’ unique interests and using collaborative activities, it will assist students using important social skills which will aid them to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. 

Smiling Teens

Artifact 1 -
Walking into music routine

To ensure a safe environment for my students, I have established a routine for how they walk into music. For my kindergarten classes, I would start to sing the song “Welcome Song” by Denise Gagne while the students are lined up outside of the classroom. The students start to sing along and begin walking into the music room. They know that whenever they enter into music to always use their walking feet. If one of them tries to run, I would have them go back to the doorframe and remind them of the expectations on keeping a safe space for everyone to enjoy music. I also offer to my students that if they need a quick drink of water they can. We would sing this song 2 or 3 times so that everyone is sitting on their assigned spot on the carpet for attendance.

For my 1st and 2nd grade students, instead of singing a song, there would be music playing in the background as they walked to the carpet. Once they were on the carpet, they would pat/tap to the steady beat until everyone is sitting. Then I would start to take attendance.

If I were to make a change, it would be each grade level having their own welcome song. I believe this will build a stronger sense of community with my students. What I could also do is after the students have learned the song well, I could foster confidence and leadership by having one of the students volunteer to start and sing the song.

Artifact 2 -
Building music literacy

Throughout the year in music, we learn about different terms such as notes and rest durations, and dynamics. On one side of the classroom, I have displayed these music terms to help students build literacy skills. This also assist students who are English Language Learners (ELLs) by having these visuals and making the content accessible to them. This would encourage students to be active learners and deepen their knowledge of the elements of music. In addition, it would reduce anxiety and barriers to their learning.

To further support ELLs, I would like to have words in their native language of items around the room including the music terms. The languages I’m interested incorporating in my classroom are Spanish, Ichishkíin and Tagalong. This would cut down on language barriers and make a more inclusive environment for them.

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